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Zetpack Framework - View

ZetPack is the Unity library to speed up the game development process as fast as a razor blade.  Zetpack is an evolution from IMedia9. KIT and Kancil Code for the development of PC and Mobile based games (Android) by prioritizing the application of the MVC concept (Model, View, Controller) adopted from modern programming concepts, especially web applications.

Zetpack adopts the MVC concept by mapping all general mechanics in the game and breaking them down into modular classes. The main package that is the basis of the Zetpack Framework is a Variable Model that contains a collection of basic variables that will be input to the package controller to produce interaction with the player and displayed using package View on the User Interface component.


Animation View (Download)

Animation View contains a collection of types of animations related to UI. There are various types of animations that consist of In-Animation, Out-Animation and Loop Animtaion which are very suitable for use in the game user interface and all animated options can be modified through the inspector.

Camera View (Download)

Camera View berisi kumpulan jenis kamera pada beragam genre game yang berbeda seperti FPS, RPG dan RTS. Secara default, setiap prefab Camera bersesuaian dengan penggunaan pergerakan player tertentu. Meski demikian kombinasi prefab Camera dan pergerakan karakter yang berbeda dapat menghasilkan gameplay yang unik.

Dialog View (Download)

The View dialog contains a collection of panels that have been equipped with basic script interactions with mouse / touch such as drag-drop and resize. This package also contains a basic prefab to display variables.

Effect View (Download)

Effect View contains a collection of materials, textures, shaders and projector components that can be used to enhance the appearance of the scene during the rendering process.

Environment View (Download)

The Environment View contains a collection of art, texture, sprites and models that can be used to speed up the process of building levels and user interfaces. This package will be updated as needed.

Zetpack is intended for those of you who want to build Unity based games but do not have the ability of programmers. However it is recommended that you understand the concept of design patterns, game mechanic analysis and trouble shooting before using it.

Zetpack is released using a CC / NC (Creative Common / Non-Commercial) license. You are permitted to use ZetPack for non-commercial type products or educational purposes. For commercial project use, please contact sales@imedia9.net or via facebook.com/imedia9.net

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